Monday, May 11, 2009

Importance of Blood Donation and the University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Hello Everyone!!

We hope that you are all doing well. I am working on a project for the University of Wisconsin-Parkside that will benefit the Blood Center of Wisconsin greatly. This project and research has been completed by myself and Dave Gouge.

We have studied the importance of the marketing and business management skills that Blood Center of Wisconsin is currently using with their website and have taken this opportunity to put into use our skills learned here at the university. This opporunity has helped us to enhance this website to be mmore user friendly and connect you more to what you the viewers would like to learn about Blood Center of Wisconsin.

Please find the links scetion of this homepage: Access to Blood Center of Wisconsin's website homepage as well as access to news and events regarding Blood Center of Wisconsin.

We hope that these changes are benefical to you and most importantly bring benefits to our partner, Blood Center of Wisconsin. Please remember the importance of Blood Donation and encourgae those around you to donate as well. 1 in 3 people will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime however only 5% if the eligible donation population donate their blood; with your help, donation and dedication we hope to see a change in this statistic.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sorry It's Been So Long

I apologize that I went the month of May without posting information. I have been making so many appearances as well as our computer is down at home. Enough with excuses though, I want to get you back up to speed!!
May 3rd, the day after my birthday, I tried to donate platelets, and the reason I say tried is because I couldn't finish my donation due to complications. I had a bruise on my arms for 2 1/2 weeks from the complications. It was not pretty!! However, with all the trouble came good because I signed up to be a bone marrow donor if need be ever!
May 20th was a benefit for Brittany Michna(She is doing much better and is out of the hospital at this time). It was so wonderful to meet all of Brittany's family and friends as well as spend more time with Brittany. She had a lot of fun and even got to try on my crown and banner once again. It was a great day.
At the end of May I had two blood drives that I attended: one for Johnson's Financial, and the other for IRIS USA. Both drives went exceptionally well. I meeting new people, as well as seeing old faces. It is always a joy to share my stories, and journey with others.
Last week was also busy for me as I traveled to Children's Hospital to visit a young girl from Appleton who had had a bicycle accident. She was a very sweet girl who I enjoyed meeting and spending time with.
On Friday night I attended Relay For Life(a walk for cancer) for the 1st time and was in total amazement by the positive vibes that were in the location. Cancer battlers and survivors attended the event which lasted Friday night into Saturday morning. I had the opportunity to once agian speak with others on the importance of my platform, and relate it back to what everyone there felt so strongly about. Nearly everyone indivdiual with cancer will receieve a blood transfusion during some point of their journey; I felt honored to be connected to such a special program by my platform.
Now I look forward to sharing the improtance of blood donation the judges and audience at the Miss Wisconsin Pageant next week.

Thank you all for your support! Remember to keep making a difference in the lives of others.

Monday, April 09, 2007

How Time Does Fly!

Wow! I apologize that it has taken me so long to post another message. I have been so busy with blood drives and Miss Racine activities lately and have had problems accessing this site. I hope all is well!
Since the last time I blogged I have taken part in over 4 blood drives including those at Walden III High School, Johnson Finanicial Group, and University of Wisconsin Parkside.
I also had the opportunity to attend Children's Hospital in Milwaukee and view the blood transfusion services room. It was a room where all the blood donations done through the Blood Center of Wisconsin were stored until use. The gentlemen who was given us the tour said that the maxium number of days that a bag of blood is kept there is 14 days before the "gift" is given to a patient. Neat! I told you all you are heroes.
I am also honored to say that this weekend, I conquered one of my fears and donated platelets for the first time. It was an amazing experience that I plan to contine taking part in. For those of you who are unaware of the difference between donating whole blood and platelets, I will explain. When whole blood is donated, a little of everything is given with your donation: red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. When donating platelets, platelets are exactly what is being donated. Platelets help especially used for those who have cancer and are undergoing chemotherapy. When donating whole blood, the donation process takes 10-12 minutes, whereas the donation process of platelets can take 1 hour to one and a half hours. For more information on this please email me at or you can contact the Blood Center of Wisconsin (please click on the link located on the right side of your screen).
This is what has been taking place all in a nut shell. I hope to be able to upload a new slideshow later tonight if my computer allows. Thank you for all of your support.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Johnson Financial Blood Drive

On Friday January 12th I attended another blood drive that was put together by Daphne Ursu of Johnson Financial. I was asked to attend the event as a special guest and once again enjoyed talking about the importance of blood donation.

I presented a video which Jim Yee hopes can be used by the Blood Center of Wisconsin at blood drives all over the state.
My sister donated blood for the first time on Friday. I am so proud of her and all the other individuals who found the hero within themselves to donate blood.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Holiday from the Heart Blood Drive

I had a wonderful time at the Holiday from the Heart Blood Drive. The drive was held at the Milwaukee County Zoo and the Blood Center of Wisconsin hoped to see 500+ donors. The atmosphere was overwhelming! I spoke to so many people both donors and their families. It was so interesting to hear all of the stories about why people decided to donate blood, how long they have donated, and how important blood donation is. I spent 3 hours at the drive, and the slideshow above shows me with Jim Yee, children, and volunteers. Unforunately I was unable to take photos with the donors while they were donating because of how busy that area was. I am so honored to have been given the opportunity to attend the event and hope you enjoy the pictures. My next blood drive will be January 12th at Johnson Finanicial here in Racine. Please keep checking for updates.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Miss Racine to Attend the Blood Center of Wisconsin's Holiday from the Heart Blood Drive

Britani Madala, Miss Racine, will be greeting donors at the sixth annual Holiday from the Heart blood drive on Friday, December 29, from 11am-1pm. Miss Milwaukee ,Janel Mayer, will be greeting as well. The drive is being held in the Peck Welcome Center at the Milwaukee County Zoo, 10001 W. Bluemound Rd.
Blood Center's goal is to see over 500 donors and collect over 400 pints of blood at the Holiday from the Heart drive. All attempting donors will recieve free parking and admission to the Milwaukee County Zoo on the day of the drive. In addition, they will be given a voucher good for one admission during a future visit to the zoo.Anyone who is at least 17 years old, weighs a minimum of 110 pounds, and is generally good health can donate blood. The entire process takes about an hour and all blood types are needed. Donors should bring a photo ID.
Blood Center of Wisconsin is the sole supplier of blood and blood products to 55 Wisconsin hospitals in 28 counties. It is commited to advancing patient care by delivering life-saving solutions grounded in unparalleled medical and scientific expertise.
Please contact Britani if you need any other information at OR contact Crytsal McNeal from the Blood Center of Wisconsin at (414)937-6124


Thursday, December 07, 2006

UW-Parkside Blood Drive

On the 4th of December I took the time to get involved with one of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside's activities: a blood drive. Being so passionate for the cause, I was ready and willing to help make a difference. As most of you know, I was scheduled to donate blood to the U.S. troops at Great Lakes Naval Base; however I was sick that day making me ineligable to donate.
Donating at Parkside was a great experience...except for the part when I felt a little light headed. There were many wonderful people there to make me feel comfortable and helped me to feel better in a short amount of time.
Have you donated blood lately? Give the gift of life this holiday season. Challenge yourself and those around you to make a difference. Challenge yourself to be a hero!

Happy Holidays!